About Us
2024/25 PTO Board Members
vacant, Treasurer
vacant, Secretary
PTO Coordinators and Event Chairs
Responsible for organizing the book fair, including working with the vendor, setting up the Book Fair display, coordinating student visits, organizing volunteers as needed and oversee all sales and orders. The proceeds from this fundraiser are earmarked for building the school and classroom libraries.
Responsible for conducting committee meetings, ensuring all members have the opportunity to contribute and that discussions are focused on the review and revision of bylaws, working with committee members to draft revised bylaws that address identified issues and reflect the organization's current needs and goals, maintaining accurate records of committee meetings, decisions, and drafts of proposed by law revisions, and presenting proposed revisions to the organization's board for review, discussion, and approval.
vacant, Chocolate Fundraiser Chairperson
Responsibilities include, organizing assemblies to promote the fundraiser, ordering chocolate from the vendor, returning unsold chocolate to the vendor, ordering fund collection envelopes from the vendor, create and distribute fund collection envelopes to teachers, create, distribute, and organize student permission slips, work with the treasurer to collect, count, track and deposit donations received from students, purchase or collect donations for prizes.
vacant, Color Run Chairperson
Responsibilities include, recruiting and managing volunteers, ordering fund collection envelopes from the vendor, create and distribute fund collection envelopes to teachers, create, distribute, and organize student permission slips, work with the treasurer to collect, count, track and deposit donations received from students, purchase or collect donations for prizes, order popsicles from OUSD nutrition services, insure decorations and supplies (including color powder) are in the PTO storage unit and replenish if necessary, set up and clean up the event.
Responsible for organizing the annual Community Yard Sale fundraiser.
Responsible for organizing Dining Out Nights throughout the school year. Dining Out Nights will be at least 2 during the year, monthly at the most.
Responsible for organizing an annual Fall Carnival/Harvest Fair event in October of each year.
Responsible for organizing an annual field day event in May/June.
Responsible for organizing the sale of Libby Spirit Wear and spirit items throughout the year for both online and take-and-go sales during PTO or school events, ordering spirit wear/items from the vendor, bookkeeping of all purchased items, restocking and distribution of ordered items and deposited funds.
vacant, Social Media Coordinator
Responsible for maintaining the PTO social media accounts, which may include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Requires good social media skills, as well as the ability to monitor Libby events and programs and determine appropriate content for social media accounts.
vacant, Staff Appreciation Coordinator
Responsible for organizing a lunch for Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5-9, 2025) and Classified School Employee Week (May 18-24, 2025).
Responsible for coordinating the planning, production, and distribution of the yearbook in collaboration with committee members, develop and adhere to a timeline for completing various stages of yearbook production, ensuring deadlines are met, develop and manage the budget for the yearbook project , oversee the gathering and selection of content, including photographs, artwork, and written materials.
Responsible for organizing 5th grade promotion and the EOY 5th grade celebration.